Sheepish Activities – May 2017
The barn has been converted into a maternity ward and lambing is well underway. In fact last night, there were only 11 ewes left to lamb. The new Mums get their own pen for the first day or so. Then the family moves into a slightly bigger pen with one or two other ewes […]
eNews – May 2017
In this month’s eNews we report on the short Finance Act which has been rushed through Parliament in advance of the General Election. We also include details of changes to the off payroll working rules that exclude some businesses from being unintentionally caught by the provisions. We also consider changes to the timing of issuing […]
RECAP: BASIC RULES The current regime for taxing the benefit of a company car is by reference to a combination of its list price (ie when new!) and CO2 emissions level. This has been around since 2002. The cash equivalent value of a company car, i.e. the value on which the benefit is taxed, is found […]
Health and Safety Advice Line
Have a health and safety question and not sure who to turn to for the answer? All our Fee Protection clients get complimentary access to our Health & Safety Advice Line. Click here to find out more: https://www.cronertaxwise.com/community/protecting-you-and-your-business/
Sheepish Activities – April 2017
This is Bramble (looking at Lesley). So called because of all the brambles she had in her fleece for ages. We couldn’t get them out because we couldn’t get near her. She has gone from being fairly wild to being totally tame in the last month. All of a sudden. It’s quite bizarre. She is […]
eNews April 2017
We hope you all enjoyed a nice Easter break 🙂 In this month’s eNews we report on changes to the VAT Flat Rate Scheme which take effect from the start of April. We also consider minimum wage rises, gender pay gap reporting and the roll out of tax free childcare. We also report […]
Business Advice Lines
Did you know as a client of our practice you receive exclusive access to our business advice lines, completely free of charge? Simply quote TAX01 when you call to get the guidance you need.
Sheepish Activities – March 2017
From left to right, Champion, 885 and 52. With the Guinea Fowl in the background. You can see from Champion’s feet how muddy it is. They are all wearing mud boots. 885 is particularly unhappy about it. His ears go floppy when he is unhappy. The 4 Guinea Fowl have started hanging out in the […]