Sheep Blog – May 2021

11 April

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Lovely, if cold, day. Ewes fed. It’s a race to get the nuts into the feeders before the stampede. If you’re not quick you’re likely to be knocked over. (Nearly, and twice today).

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The mandatory calf in the hay feeder.

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Our lot are all happy.

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We just need a bit more rain and some warmth for the grass to start growing and they can head back outside.

And Baby Lamb is back to his usual boisterous self!

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18 April

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Moving day. The ewes that are pregnant with triplets are moved into the barn where the Lsd sheep were. 

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The rams are still with them. The rams are needing a pedicure and will be moved out in a day or so. 

Rambo is a softie.

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The ewes with twins and singles are seeking some shade it is warm here today. 

We need some rain the grass looks more like hay. 

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We have had 3 ewes lamb today – all twins. 

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The Lsd flock has moved to their summer residence – the Orchard.

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We tried to encourage them into the shade of the willow. 

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And thought this might be a nice spot to write the sheep blog but it’s a bit over crowded and the residents have no concept of personal space let alone social distancing. 

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25 April

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Last weekend 4 ewes had lambs. This weekend 44 ewes have lambs. 

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1984 (previously called 2 Tags) still hasn’t lambed. 

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This little guy will need fostering onto one of the ewes – he’s from a set of triplets and she won’t manage to feed all 3. 

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The ewe with the beauty spot has Rambo’s lambs. You can tell because they look a bit dirty and have spotty knees.

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We had one escapee …

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He hopped out between the feed barriers. And then hopped back in again as we pondered how to catch him. He looked delighted with himself. 

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The sheep and lambs, once numbered and tagged are being moved into the next field which looks lush compared to the lambing field full of dandelions. 

25 April PM

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We just found out 1984 gave birth to a healthy boy and girl. 

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26 April

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1984 and her 2 lambs are doing great. There was a bit of confusion when she came running over and left them behind. But all back together now. 

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27 April

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885 says what is it?

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28 April

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Look at this little guy! Mum hasn’t got any black markings on her coat. 

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2 May

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83 of the ewes have lambed and we are nearly finished. It’s a nice warm day and time to relax. 

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3 May

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It’s pouring and cold. We need the rain but I feel so sorry for them.

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Two of the lambs have gone to a neighbouring farm for fostering … Tieran and family … our hay supplier.  Their sheepdog has adopted the lambs as her own.  Here, lying quietly while Dora licks her clean. 

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