7 March
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Hello again! It’s been a while but we thought we would restart the sheep blog!
Just a quick reminder of our stars …
The guinea fowl … we currently have 4 in residence …
The Lsd flock …
The rams …Gordon, Rambo and SuperRam
52 is a little underweight so is having some extra feed.
And Twiglet, born in March 2022 decides to take on Audrey … to be honest I think the adults find him a little tiresome … he is too energetic. Here he is lining up for a head butt.
This evening there was a stunning Worm Moon – often thought to refer to the earthworms that appear as the soil warms in spring.
19 March
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Daffodils line the driveway into the farm and it’s starting to look like spring even if it still doesn’t feel like spring.
The ewes in the main flock are all in the barn ready for lambing.
And a couple of our favourites from the main flock …
Georgia ‘1984’
And Torn Ear …
Both very cuddly sheep.
24 March
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One of the young cows in with the rams … ‘what are you looking at?’
It’s raining so everyone is staying under cover.
28 March
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A real success story, Skinny Minnie. Adopted in February 2022, she was a very sorry sight. She had lost so much weight having her lambs. Her wool was thin and she looked so miserable.
And now look at her, she is magnificent – she is bolshy and beautiful! She has a thick fleece and is just a new woman!
31 March
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The river is super high today, it feels like it’s rained every day in March.
Lambing started today. They were aiming for 1 April so they came pretty close. The number 3 stands for the third ewe to lamb. Mother and lamb(s) are both numbered so you can easily reunite lost lambs with mums.
2 April
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You can just see 4 guinea fowl snuggling up in the sheep muck under the pig arcs, must be nice and warm in there.
The main flock are all in the barn waiting to lamb, you enter at your own peril … prepare to be crushed by hungry ewes.
4 April
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This ewe is one of the main flock. She is dreadful for jumping up during feeding and we have the bruises to show for it. It seems her lamb takes after her.
6 April
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The first orphan, a little boy. He is from the 15th ewe to lamb and is therefore number 15. He will receive lots of love and attention from the farm.
We still await Georgia and Torn Ear’s lambs … both are expecting twins so we will keep you posted.
And finally, we remember Audrey Hepburn with lots of love.
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