Sheepish Activities April / May 2020


11 April

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The guinea fowl have taken to sunbathing with the good weather.  

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16 April

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After living off hay and pellets for the last few months the sheep were finally let into Field 11 where they dived onto the new grass.

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22 April

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We have had some ongoing foot problems but the worst was fly strike with 937.  The flies had found the foot rot and laid eggs.  She was immediately treated.  

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1 May

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Some Canadian visitors!

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2 May

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The ground is finally firm enough for the cows to be let out of the barn.  

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With the lack of site traffic the guinea fowl are being more and more adventurous, today they were roaming the business park driveway.

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And 937 is hot and bothered, she is fed up of having sore feet … the flies have gone but the foot rot is stubbornly hanging on.

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6 May

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The 3 sheep suffering with foot rot were treated with antibiotics today – Champion, 937 and Baby Lamb.  Along with some chopped up apple to distract them.  In the background you can see 52 having a back scratch on the machinery … it must be an itchy hot time of year they are all at it.

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Lambing is ticking along and has nearly come to an end.  It was a less hands-on process than normal due to staff shortages but it seems to have gone well.

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Finally, we hope this is a sign of things to come.  

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We really hope this newsletter finds you all safe and well. 

We are happy to announce that Davinder got back safely with her family and after two weeks in isolation nobody showed any symptoms.

Davinder and Lesley would again like to thank their team who have worked so very hard applying for furlough payments and supporting clients through grant and loan applications.

The weather seemed to go from one extreme to another. 

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